Mon: 9am - 5pm , Tues-Wed : 9am - 8pm, Thurs: 9am - 9pm, Fri: 9am - 5pm
Contact Us: 306.242.5233

Bite Correction

If you suffer from muscle tension, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) popping and clicking when you chew, jaw pain or stiffness, teeth grinding, difficulty eating, or uneven or worn down teeth, you may suffer from a misaligned bite and require bite correction treatment.

Don't worry, you’re not alone! Astonishingly over 75% of adults have a misaligned bite, and many don’t even know it. However, some skewed bites are more obvious than others, for example, in the event of an overbite or underbite. But it's fairly common that people don’t realize they have an uneven bite at all until they take a closer look at their symptoms, which can include a clicking or "popping" jaw, uneven or worn teeth and more.

Bite correction treatment

Bite correction treatment at our Saskatoon Dental clinic not only has cosmetic benefits, but is also a step towards a healthier mouth and more comfortable bite. When your teeth are aligned correctly, there is less strain on your teeth and jaw muscles, reducing pressure that can lead to broken teeth, soreness and headaches. Also, well-aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of gum disease and other dental problems.

Bite correction can be surgical or non-surgical in nature. Non-surgical correction can include adjusting teeth by building them up or taking them down in size, protecting teeth with night guards, or by using orthodontics to align teeth in a new bite pattern. Surgical techniques are used for more extreme cases of bite correction.

If you’re in search of a dentist in Saskatoon who can help with bite correction treatment, give us a call to discuss your options! 306.242.5233.

Office Hours


Our Address

Dr. Michael Rosenhek

Dr. Kris Marshall

3-75 Lenore Dr.
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 7Y1
